Terms and Conditions

Notice: Please review this document carefully before using this website. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions outlined here, please do not use this website. By using this website, you accept these Terms of Use.

Site Ownership: This website is operated by ASATO, a luxury retail brand operating in New York and Japan.

Site Usage and Information Rights: Our site contains electronic content ("ASATO Information"), including software, technical details, product information, photos, and other materials. All content on this Site remains the exclusive property of ASATO and does not transfer ownership to users through their use of the asatokitamura.com. Users are prohibited from modifying, reproducing, publicly displaying, transmitting, or distributing ASATO Information for any commercial purposes without explicit written permission from ASATO. Unauthorized use of ASATO Information, including posting it on other websites or networks, may infringe on copyright, trademark, and other legal rights. Failure to adhere to these terms will result in automatic termination of your authorization to use the asatokitamura.com, and you must immediately destroy any ASATO Information obtained. These restrictions are designed to safeguard ASATO's proprietary information accessible through this asatokitamura.com. However, these limitations do not apply to feedback or discussions about our products or site, such as sharing experiences or posting images of purchased items on social media.

Intellectual Property: All names, images, and logos related to ASATO, or any third parties and their products and services, are protected by copyright, design rights, and trademarks owned by ASATO and/or our partners. Nothing in these terms grants any license or rights to use ASATO's or any third party’s trademarks, patents, design rights, or copyrights.

Appropriate, Ethical, and Legally Compliant Use: By using asatokitamura.com, you agree to:
- Avoid disrupting or interfering with the Site’s security or any connected systems, accounts, servers, or networks.
- Refrain from affecting other users' enjoyment of asatokitamura.com or its affiliates.
- Not upload or transmit any harmful or disruptive files.
- Not use or attempt to use another’s account or create a false identity.
- Avoid sending spam, chain letters, or unsolicited emails.
- Keep your username and password confidential.
- Not attempt unauthorized access to any restricted areas of the asatokitamura.com.
- Comply with all relevant laws and requirements related to data use.

Product Information: The product information on asatokitamura.com is provided for your convenience and aims to be as accurate as possible. However, we do not guarantee its accuracy or product availability. Occasionally, products may be out of stock or unavailable in specific sizes or colors. We welcome feedback on any errors so we can address them promptly.

User Submissions: Materials, information, or ideas submitted to or posted on asatokitamura.com are considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. ASATO and its affiliates may use this content for any purpose, including product development and marketing. You must not post unlawful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, or any material that may lead to legal liability. You will indemnify ASATO for any damages resulting from your violation of these policies. ASATO reserves the right to prohibit further postings by users who violate these standards.

Links to Other Websites: Links to third-party websites must be pre-approved by ASATO. You are not permitted to link to other websites without our consent. Approved links are provided as a convenience, and ASATO is not responsible for the content or availability of these external sites. Use of these links is at your own risk.

Social Media Links: Links to our social media pages are available via icons on our website. These links direct you to separate sites owned by other companies. Review the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies of these external sites, as our policies only apply to our own website.

Disclaimer: The information on asatokitamura.com is provided "as is," without any warranties, express or implied. ASATO does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information and may make changes to it without notice. Our site may contain outdated information or refer to products not available in your location. Certain exclusions may not apply to you based on applicable law.

Limitation of Liability: ASATO, its suppliers, and other third parties mentioned on asatokitamura.com are not liable for any damages arising from the use or inability to use our site or linked sites. This includes consequential damages, lost profits, data loss, or business interruption. Certain limitations or exclusions may not apply depending on local laws. ASATO disclaims liability for any inaccuracies or omissions on our site and any misuse of ASATO products.

Applicable Laws: Asatokitamura.com is intended for individuals, worldwide. However, ASATO makes no guarantees that materials on asatokitamura.com are always available. Access from regions where content is illegal is prohibited. Compliance with local laws is your responsibility if accessing asatokitamura.com from outside the U.S. These Terms are governed by New York state law.

General: ASATO reserves the right to update these terms at any time. You should review them frequently. Specific terms elsewhere on our site may override these general terms.

Privacy Policy: By using asatokitamura.com, you agree to our Privacy Policy, which is accessible via our "Privacy Policy" link. If you do not agree with this policy, please do not use our site. We may update this policy at our discretion, and your continued use of our site signifies acceptance of any changes.

Changes to These Terms and Conditions: ASATO reserves the right to update these Terms and Conditions to reflect changes in practices or legal requirements. If applicable, new versions will be posted here. We encourage you to periodically review the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy to stay informed.

Contact Us: For questions regarding these Terms of Use or our website, contact us on our "Contact" page or via email at asato@innovative-room.com.